Take a moment to observe the rhythm of your breathing. Gently release the tension in your jaw, allowing your muscles to relax and become supple. Lower your shoulders, heavy with daily burdens, and feel them lighten as you concentrate on your breath. Every inhalation is a new opportunity, every exhalation a release from the thoughts that weigh you down. Life, like breathing, is a series of moments and movements, each unique, each bringing change and renewal. Moments follow one another, never quite the same, in a constant flow of evolution. Now turn your attention to the here and now. What thoughts go through your mind? Observe them without judgment, without adhering to them, and let them slip away like leaves carried by the wind. Return to that state of inner harmony where security reigns. Here, in this sacred space, you are received with kindness. Accept this profound truth: you are a being worthy of love, forgiveness and compassion. In this moment of clarity and calm, know that you are surrounded by affection and care. You’re not alone. Breathe with this awareness, and with each breath, feel more rooted in this benevolent reality. You are at home in yourself, at peace with what is, and open to universal love.