binaural beats for meditation, HOW?

binaural beats for meditation, HOW?

Meditate, but not in silence Or how to make the method more accessible Finding the quietude you need to meditate in silence can be a real challenge when your mind is overwhelmed by a never-ending stream of thoughts. In this mental whirlwind, binaural beats emerge as a...

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Timefulness or Temporal Consciousness

Timefulness or Temporal Consciousness

Timefulness or Temporal Consciousness To really grasp the idea behind "timefulness", terms like "pleine conscience du temps", "conscience temporelle", or "temporalité pleine" can be adopted in French. This concept proposes a deep immersion in the management and...

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Learning to let go: tips and exercises

Learning to let go: tips and exercises

Freedom to Let Go: Journey to Lightness Letting go, or how to become as light as a feather in every sense of the word Oh! letting go, a concept universally lived and shared. This process generally involves items that we have kept for an extended period of time,...

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Take a moment to observe the rhythm of your breathing. Gently release the tension in your jaw, allowing your muscles to relax and become supple. Lower your shoulders, heavy with daily burdens, and feel them lighten.

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here and now

here and now

Take a moment to observe the rhythm of your breathing. Gently release the tension in your jaw, allowing your muscles to relax and become supple. Lower your shoulders, heavy with daily burdens, and feel them lighten as you concentrate on your breath. Every inhalation is a new opportunity, every exhalation a release from the thoughts that weigh you down. Life, like breathing, is a series of moments and movements, each unique, each bringing change and renewal. Moments follow one another, never quite the same, in a constant flow of evolution.

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